Posca Mad Thrasherz Posca Mad ThrasherzRegular Version 1.000 2009 initial release PoscaMadThrasherz is a trademark of Damien Gosset (http://www.sweeep.fr). Damien Gosset (http://www.sweeep.fr) Damien Gosset Damien Gosset Copyright (c) Damien Gosset (http://www.sweeep.fr), 2009. All rights reserved. Contact Me for Commercial Use http://www.sweeep.fr http://www.sweeep.fr Hi, thanx for downloading POSCA MAD THRASHERZ!
If you plan to use it for commercial purpose, please drop me a line at daaams[AT]laposte.net !
I can add Lowercase characters and Alternates to the font.
You can use it for free for your personnal use only, and you can make any donation on paypal to daaams[AT]
laposte.net (and don't hesitate to send me samples of your work, made with this font).
You're not authorized to modify or sell this font.
Please always keep this Read_me file with the font.
daaams[AT]laposte.net | http://www.sweeep.fr
Merci d'avoir t