So here are the People Brushes I made.
They are my first set.
I plan to come out with more.
You get over 15 brushes all together.
Not all of the brushes that come are shown in the preview.
They were made with Adobe Photoshop CS3.
Please comment or fav if you download.
Terms Of Use:
- If you use fav or comment.
- A link to the brush set in your description if you use on deviant or your website.
You may not:
- Claim these brushes as your own.
- Redistribute these brushes in any way, shape, or form.
Besides that have fun
I would love to see the art that you make with these brushes so feel free to send me a link of your art and you will get a fav
Go to my gallery and check out more of my brushes!
I come out with new brushes almost everyday, so watch me if your a brush lover!