Completion Date: 12-13-12
Time Taken: --
+ Coffee
+ Table Salt
+ Adjusted, corrected, and formatted in Photoshop CS2
+ New Age playlistComment:
More goodies for my lovely watchers, consider this one a holiday present! @ u @
I made these brushes while enjoying a pot of coffee a while ago (which later killed my insides) and decided to turn them into brushes! And shame on me for just getting around to posting them. These were all created using coffee straight from the pot (watered down here and there) and salt to get some textures and variety of darkness as well as design. These were created in Photoshop CS2 and should be compatible from CS2 and onward~
Rules - If you use them, please give me credit and a link back to either this deviation or my page would be greatly appreciated! You can use these for anything you want, including commercial work. The only thing I don't allow is selling the brushes exactly as they are, so that means don't stamp them on a plain white bg and try to make cash off them.
Happy creating and enjoy!
Brushes © 2012 P. Gaither (~soulspoison)
Artwork copyright P. Gaither (~soulspoison); All rights reserved. Do not alter, copy, and/or redistribute under penalty of law.